English Easy

IPA1 English Easy BBC Examples
c ch, tch church
h h h hat
hw w w which
j j judge
x kh kh loch (Scottish and Irish)
ɡ5 g g game
ŋ ng ng

(ng-g, nk)

ʃ x sh ship
θ th th thin
ð dh dh this
j y y yes
ʒ zh zh vision
The following letters have the same values in all systems listed: b, d, f, k, l, m, n, p, r1, s, t, v, w, z.
IPA1 English Easy BBC Examples
æ a a cat
ai ay day
ɛər air air hair
ɑː aa aa father
ɑːr ar ar arm
ɛ e e let
ea ee see
ɪər ear eer here
ɪ i i pit
y y by
ɒ o o pot
oa oh no
ɔː au aw caught
ɔːr or or north
ɔɪ oi oy noise
ʊ uu uu took
ʊər uur oor tour
oo oo soon
ou ow out
ʌ u u cut
ɜːr ur ur word
ə q uh about
ər qr uhr butter
juː yoo yoo view
IPA1 SD BBC Examples
ˈa a A primary stress

Inspired by http://readcross.org
and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pronunciation_respelling_for_English

its qbout tym sumwun kam up with a sistqm for tranzlitqrayting inglish tuu choak
thankyoo for church  burch thurd kurb murdqr obliterait
frait train  frayt trayn
thai ait sum beanz and meat
thay ayt sum beenz and meet
eax tym i cum heer t choak taim mai sai sii tiim mii sii tym sy my nyoo taim tym ekstrq, miksxqr ov
meathain,   meethayn
relaixqnxip relayshuhnship
intiooixqn intyooishuhn
dryqst dryuhst